Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Looking Out My Backdoor - Almost Wordless Wednesday

I know...ANOTHER snow photo...but all this snow leaves me speechless!
And we are in for the "storm of the century" tonight

 Click on the pic to enlarge

See more shots from around the world  HERE
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  1. I have some snow photos, too. I'm not a big fan of snow, but it can be so beautiful to look at. :)

  2. snow, snow go away! are we turning into icicles?? sure feels like it! ;p

  3. I love the snow pics, but could definitely do without the Monster Blizzard!

  4. That's a whole lotta snow!! Pretty though, definitely!

  5. That's a lot of snow! It is pretty, though.
    (I'm writing from California, where along the coast and in the south we have mostly avoided the snow this year.)

  6. Pretty and pristine - makes for beautiful photos! Your storm is passing north of us and we will get mostly rain this time.

  7. We were warned with a snow blizzard, so people have been buying water and food.

    The media makes it bigger and scarier than it really is.

    I'm tired of snow too!

  8. It is pretty, but I am so ready for spring.

  9. Almost all snow are gone here on Lolland, so your photo is nostalgia :-D

  10. the "snowstorm of the century" is about to move off after leaving two and half feet at my doorstep. the drifts are 5 feet tall in my back yard and the city of Milwaukee is entirely shut down. I hope the storm loses some of its punch before reaching you! by the looks of it, you already have so much, where will you put it? have a great Wordless Wednesday Karen!

  11. Brr... looks like you got even more than we did.

  12. You captured the texture of this stuff so well.

  13. Hehehe! We have at least six more weeks of possible snow shots, methinks, :)

  14. Stay warm Karin...here in Az record breaking temps..40F today!

  15. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... *S*

  16. I never get tired of snow pictures. And that's a LOT of snow!!!


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