Sunday, January 2, 2011

Have A Cuppa - Macro Monday

One drinks tea to forget the hectic sound of the world

Click the pic to enlarge

You can see more great macro shots HERE
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  1. Yes....I'll have a cup with you!!!! A favorite brand of tea for me too. [someone from the macro home site had cookies, now the tea really hits the spot!]

    My Macro Monday is now posted. Do come join me if you can.

  2. Nice shot! I enjoy a cup of tea now and then. Jasmine is my favorite.

  3. Indeed I do and to warm myself in the evenings chill! Have a grand day! Cathy

  4. Great macro! I love hot tea!

  5. Who would have thought that a tea bag could be so artistic? Great composition!
    Thanks for dropping by.

  6. A nice cup of tea can never be wrong! I have water for my teapot on the first thing in the morning

  7. Great shot and a great idea! I think I will make a cup right now. :-)

  8. That´s a quote I like. :) And I like your photo. Great macro.

  9. Great idea for a macro shot. And I love the quote!

  10. Tea is one of my favorite drinks...this is a great shot!

  11. I love to have a cup aswell to keep the cold away :)
    Great shot !
    Thank´s for your comment on my frosty winterphotos !


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