Saturday, January 6, 2018


It's minus 29 degrees, we are getting a lot of snow! I love snow, The bitter temps, not so much.

I am unable to go outside, as the temperature plays havoc with my MS. So, to pass the time, I knit, exercise and paint.

I did a quick little painting that I wanted to do before Christmas.

Nothing complex or outstanding, just a touch of whimsy.

Wishing the best to all my blog friends in 2018.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Whimsy never goes astray. Love your work (as always).
    On the other side of the world it is heat which has me housebound. Some world wide weather moderation would be nice wouldn't it?

  2. The weather is indeed brutal, Karen. Have a wonderful 2018. I hope that your MS will not act up too much.

  3. I am a big fan of whimsy Karen -- and if I had a copy of it that painting would have an honored place in my home during the Holiday season!! I hope your temperatures moderate a bit soon. Without any good excuse, I'd be spending my days exactly as you do (well, except for the painting because I'm untalented)... but definitely indoors.

    Take care and may 2018 bring joy.

  4. Neat painting! Just as cold and snowy here!

  5. I LOVE this, Karen! It is so cheerful. It makes me smile.
    We have been having some brutally cold weather here in NY also. The coming week is supposed to be better. I hope so because cabin fever is definitely setting in. :-)
    I wish you a wonderful (and warmer!) week ahead!


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